In January-September 2015, Container Terminal Saint-Petersburg CJSC handled 274,700 TEUs (-7.5%, year-on-year), says the company’s press center.
According to the statement, the company’s result reflects the general trends in the stevedoring market of Russia. In particular, container throughput of Big Port St. Petersburg and port Ust-Luga showed the reduction by 27.6%, year-on-year to 1.36 mln TEUs.
In the reported period, market share of the Terminal at the port of Saint-Petersburg and Ust-Luga made 20.2%.
CTSP imports totaled 133,000 TEUs (-9.2%, year-on-year) including 25.4% of containers with refrigerated cargo. CTSP exports fell by 5.8% to 142,000 TEUs with loaded containers making 68.6% (up almost two-fold, year-on-year). Exports of empty containers fell by 54.5%.
The shares of export and import in the overall container throughput were 51.7% and 48.3% respectively.
In total, the terminal handled 254 vessel with the average shipload of 1,081 TEUs.
With its 9M’15 results, CTSP is the third busiest container terminal in the Russian Federation.
Container Terminal Saint-Petersburg (member of UCL Port, the stevedoring division of the international transportation group UCL Holding) is a modern container and import automobile handling facility in the Fourth District of Big Port of Saint-Petersburg. In 2014, the company handled 387,600 TEUs.