On 29 April 2019, Port Kolomna JSC launched combination bulk oil and deck cargo barge BPB-001 of Project 81PK of 3,245 tonnes in capacity. According to FSUE Morspassluzhba, it is the first non-self-propelled river-going vessel built for the organization.
The barge is acquired under the leasing programme with Mashpromleasing JSC acting as a lessor.
Key characteristics of the barge: length – 103.2 m, width – 16.2 m, depth – 3.5 m, cargo capacity – 3,245 tonnes, loaded displacement – 3,900 tonnes.
Port Kolomna JSC has its own shipbuilding and ship repair unit with a slip able to handle vessels of up to 2,000 tonnes and up to 115 meters in length. Production facilities of the company let perform a complete range of works on designing, construction, repair and modernization of types of vessels and floating facilities operating in the region.
The contract for construction of the barge was signed in 2018. Designing took 3 months with the construction completed over 9 months.
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