Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding and Polaris New Energy hosted a private ceremonial keel laying June 24 celebrating the start of construction of an liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunker barge. The barge will be named Clean Canaveral and will operate as an articulated tug-barge unit (ATB) that initially runs along the East Coast of the United States, providing LNG bunkering solutions to NorthStar Midstream’s customers, the shipbuilder said in a press release.
After several months of pre-fabrication work of its modular sections by Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding’s team, the 55-ton modules were set into place in Sturgeon Bay, Wis. Team members from Polaris New Energy, along with representatives of Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding, stood to watch the first assembly of the modular components.
The 5,400-cubic-meter barge will be fitted with four 1,350-cubic-meter IMO Type C tanks. It will utilize a cargo handling system designed and developed by Wartsila Gas Solutions. Dimensions of the vessel will be 340 feet overall length, with a 66-foot beam and a depth of 32 feet 10 inches. The barge will be an ABS classed barge. The vessel is slated for completion in late 2021.