The decrease should be mainly attributed to the fall of liquid bulk cargo handling
In January-August 2020. Russian seaports handled 544.21 million tonnes, down 2.4% year-on-year, says the Federal Marine and River Transport Agency (Rosmorrechflot).
In the reporting period, handling of dry bulk cargo grew by 4.2% to 259.38 million tonnes, while handling of liquid bulk cargo fell by 7.7% to 284.83 million tonnes.
The steepest decrease was registered in the ports of the Azov Basin - down 8.8% to 63.64 million tonnes including 19.15 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (-6.9%) and 44.49 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (-9.6 %).
Seaports of the Baltic Basin handled 162.93 million tonnes (-5.3%) including 72.78 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (-1.9%) and 90.15 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (-7.8%).
Seaports of the Azov-Don Basin handled 163.82 million tonnes (-3.0%) including 68.59 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (+11.0%) and 95.23 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (-11.0%).
Seaports of the Caspian Basin have been showing the highest growth among other basins for the third year in a row. In the reporting period, they handled 5.62 million tonnes (+13.5%) including 2.39 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (+25.4%) and 3.23 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (+6.0%).
Seaports of the Far East Basin handled 148.2 million tonnes (+4.3%) including 96.47 million tonnes of dry bulk cargo (+6.6%) and 51.73 million tonnes of liquid bulk cargo (+0.3%).