Maersk Broker Advisory Services and McKinsey & Company have joined forces to assist shipowners and operators in defining their decarbonisation roadmap and strategy, according to the company's release. Based on market research from Maersk Broker Advisory Services and an AI-based solution from McKinsey’s QuantumBlack, which leverages technological and economic modelling of ship efficiency levers and alternative fuels, the collaboration aims to guide the industry to take future investment decisions on a well-informed basis backed by data to avoid stranded assets and unnecessary capital expenditures.
Maersk Broker Advisory Services, part of Maersk Broker K/S, and McKinsey & Company agreed to establish a partnership to develop and launch the Fleet Decarbonisation Optimizer tool to assist stakeholders in the maritime industry in developing their decarbonisation strategies. The partnership is built on proprietary research of both Maersk Broker Advisory Services and McKinsey & Company on the total cost of ownership and carbon abatement implications of ship efficiency levers and alternative fuels like e-ammonia, e-methanol, bio-methanol, bio-LNG, biodiesel, and others.
The shipping industry is recognized as a “hard-to-abate” sector, as the decarbonisation solutions of the industry carry a high abatement cost compared to current alternatives. This creates significant uncertainty, and all shipowners and operators will be confronted with difficult strategic decisions in the upcoming decade. The collaboration aims to help stakeholders in the maritime industry to make these decisions on the best possible information platform with expert guidance.
The aim of the collaboration between Maersk Broker Advisory Services and McKinsey & Company is knowledge sharing, mutual access to relevant data, and the development and launch of an AI-based optimisation model that provides a tailor-made roadmap for cost-effective decarbonisation of entire fleets. The model incorporates not just a large amount of key data from the maritime industry but also utilizes data from other industries going through similar developments and challenges with respect to decarbonisation.
Both parties have valuable information at their disposal which stems from years of experience and deep insights into the industry. By joining forces, the partnership will leverage all relevant capabilities to initiate and guide the maritime industry in its decarbonisation journey.
About Maersk Broker Advisory Services
Maersk Broker Advisory Services is a maritime consulting business providing innovative and tailored capital and consultancy solutions to a broad range of stakeholders in the maritime sector. Maersk Broker Advisory Services, being part of Maersk Broker, draws on a wealth of maritime data, knowledge, experience, and network developed by 100+ years of experience in the shipping industry.
Maersk Broker is the first shipbroking company that has joined the Getting to Zero Coalition, which underlines the dedication to the green transition of the industry.
About McKinsey & Company
McKinsey & Company is a leading global management consultancy with >30,000 employees in 130 locations across 65 countries.
McKinsey & Company serves the world’s leading institutions on their most important topics, including extensive experience in the shipping industry and on the topic of decarbonisation.
McKinsey & Company is a knowledge partner to the Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping, the first management consultancy to join the Center in such a role.