Throughput remains at previous year level with 1852 passenger ships received and handled at seaports

Freight traffic at Russian seaports in January - May 2022 remained at the level of the five-month period 2021 and totaled 340.7 million tonnes, the Association of Commercial Sea Ports (ASOP) said.
In the reporting period, dry cargo volume was 155.0 million tonnes (-6.3%). This includes: coal 77.7 million tonnes (-6.8%), containerized cargo – 21.0 million tonnes (-17.2 %), grain – 13.0 million tonnes (-9.8%), mineral fertilizers – 8.3 million tonnes (+8.1%), ore – 5.5 million tonnes (+26.9%), ferrous metals –11.2 million tonnes (-11.5%).
Handling in liquid bulk segment reached 185.7 million tonnes (+6.0%), including crude oil – 109.7 million tonnes (+14.5%), oil products – 57.7 million tonnes (-7.7% ), liquefied natural gas – 16.0 million tonnes (+8.8%), food – 2.0 million tonnes (+6.0%).
Handling of exports at the country’s seaports totaled 269.3 million tonnes (-1.0%), of import cargo – 15.4 million tonnes (-5.4%). The volume of transit cargo rose 3.2% to 27.4 million tonnes and of short sea traffic increased by 10.9% to 28 .6 million tonnes.
Cargo traffic at the seaports of the Arctic Basin in January-May reached 40.7 million tonnes (+5.2%), including dry cargo – to 10.2 million tonnes (-7.0%), liquid bulk cargo – 30.5 million tonnes (+10.0%). Throughput of the ports of Murmansk climbed to 23.3 million tonnes (+0.6%), of Sabetta – 12.3 million tonnes (+4.4%), of Varandey – 2.7 million tonnes (+39.3%) and Arkhangelsk – 1.1 million tonnes (-12.2%).
The five-month volume of the Baltic basin seaports was 102.7 million tonnes (+0.3%). This includes the volume of dry cargo – 40.2 million tonnes (-15.3%), liquid bulk cargo – 62.5 million tonnes (+13,8%). Handling of cargo at the ports of Ust-Luga amounted to 47.4 million tonnes (+8.0%), the Greater Port of St. Petersburg – 18.7 million tonnes (-26.1%), Primorsk – 25.8 million tonnes (+19.1%). %), Vysotsk – 6.4 million tonnes (-10.4%).
Freight traffic at the seaports of the Azov-Black Sea basin rose to 104.0 million tonnes (+1.4%). This includes: dry cargo – 44.4 million tonnes (+1.5%), liquid bulk cargo – 59.6 million tonnes ( +1.3%). Cargo throughput at the following ports: Novorossiysk amounted – 64.1 million tonnes (+7.9%), Tuapse – 7.5 million tonnes (-33.2%), Rostov-on-Don – 4.9 million tonnes (-21.2%), Taman – 17.1 million tonnes (+31.3%), Kavkaz – 4.2 million tonnes (-20.9%).
Cargo volume at the seaports of the Caspian Basin declined to 2.2 million tonnes (-31.1%), including dry cargo – 0.9 million tonnes (-17.8%), liquid bulk cargo – 1.3 million tonnes (-38.7%). Handling of cargo at the ports of Makhachkala also decreased to 1.2 million tonnes (-34.6%), and at Astrakhan – to 0.8 million tonnes (-20.8%).
The seaports of the Far Eastern Basin handled 91.1 million tonnes (-2.9%) of different cargo. This includes: dry cargo – 59.3 million tonnes (-4.6%), liquid bulk cargo – 31.8 million tonnes (+0.3%). Throughput at the following ports: Vostochny – 33.0 million tonnes (+3.4%), Vanino – 15.2 million tonnes (-3.0%), Nakhodka – 10.3 million tonnes (-14.9%), Vladivostok – 12 .8 million tonnes (+5.5%), Prigorodnoye – 7.1 million tonnes (+5.0%), De-Kastri – 3.5 million tonnes (-30.6%).
Russian seaports passenger terminals handled in January-May 1,852 passenger ships (a decrease by 2.6 times) and 1,166,200 (+18.6%) people (+18.6%). This figure includes the number of passengers on departed ships – 1,126,600 (+23.5%), and 39,600 arrived passengers (-44.0%). There were no transit passengers during the five-month period.
Passengers was served at dedicated passenger terminals in the ports of Sevastopol – 1 086 300 people (+29.1%), of Yalta – 56 500 people (-35.3%), of Sochi – 12 600 (a 3.3 times decrease).