Damen Shipyards Group has achieved eighth place out of 1,000 companies in the MT500 annual report category ‘Best Reputation’. The report, the 16th of its kind, is an analysis of the image of Dutch companies, managers, decision makers and executives, the Group said in its news release.
The study included companies headquartered in the Netherlands who off 'substantial' employment.
Additionally, Damen also achieved a top 10 ranking in the categories ‘Product Leadership’, ‘Operational Excellence’ and ‘Customer Focus.’
Top Dutch company overall was once again Shell, according to the readers of MT. Other technology companies that performed well included Van Leeuwen and Technische Unie.
Damen Shipyards Group operates 32 ship- and repair yards, employing 8,000 people worldwide. Damen has built more than 5,000 vessels in more than 100 countries and delivers approximately 180 vessels annually to customers worldwide.