CMA CGM has announced the latest changes on EURAF 4 service.
Effective September 7th, 2018 with m/v LETO, EURAF 4 service is reshuffled as follows:
With 5 vessels up to 3,600 TEU nominal capacity
Port coverage
Valencia - Algeciras - Tangier - Lome - Cotonou - Bata (fortnightly)- Malabo (fortnightly)- Kribi - Libreville - Douala - Valencia
Transit time improvement from direct ports Med
11 days to Libreville and Douala, 3 days to Lome and Cotonou
Onne, Port Gentil and Takoradi will be served by CMA CGM with a dedicated in-house feeder
Valencia is served on direct basis on EURAF 4
Cargo from Italy ports will be served via Valencia with in-house feeder on fixed weekly departure
Marseille and Barcelona via Algeciras with in-house feeder on fixed weekly departure