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2020 November 3   17:15

Port of Antwerp replaces the existing system of PIN codes for the release of containers

The digital, secure and integrated solution called ‘Certified Pick up’ will soon replace the existing system of PIN codes for the release of containers in the port of Antwerp.

A phased approach means that all logistics partners in the port supply chain will be able to implement this new process. In phase one, the platform will create transparency on the container status and in a subsequent phase the various supply-chain partners will switch to a new processing method based on identity.

To pick up a container at the terminal in the port today, you need a unique PIN code. There is considerable time between the shipping company being informed of the PIN code and the truck driver actually entering this PIN code on the terminal. The PIN code is also passed between different parties, which increases the risk of abuse.

To make this process more secure, transparent and efficient, a new process for the release of containers, referred to as “Certified Pick up” (CPu), will be enforced on 1 January 2021. CPu is a neutral, central data platform in which all stakeholders involved in the container import process are connected.

Together with the Port Authority it has been agreed to phase the implementation of CPu as from 1 January 2021. In the first phase the CPu platform will allow transparency on the container status, aimed at increasing the operational efficiency for every player in the chain. The various container statuses, related to the collection of a container in the port of Antwerp, will be displayed as “green lights”. The supply-chain partners will be able to view the commercial release, the customs release and terminal release of the containers under their control. In exchange for this information, chain partners will later be required to add relevant supply-chain data, such as anticipated collection time, terms, etc. The current process of PIN codes will still be kept in this phase.

In the next phase, the various chain partners will switch over to a new processing method, namely collection based on identity. The current process using a PIN code to collect a container will be phased out and replaced by a digital process of release entitlement then pick up entitlement and an authorised collection based on identity.

Port of Antwerp is choosing an active approach to getting everyone involved in the roll-out of CPu on time. The shipping companies and Antwerp terminals will be first to connect on the CPu platform, after which other stakeholders, such as freight forwarders and transporters will connect as from 1 January 2021 to see the status of various containers. NxtPort, the logistical data platform at the port of Antwerp, will provide the CPu platform. They have set up the efficient support, which will guarantee the continuity of the port of Antwerp (with regard to container imports).

To maximize the reach of CPU it is also possible for 3rd parties to link their own applications with CPu.

A fee will be charged to those using the port, in order to use Certified Pick up. These charges, which will apply as from 1 January 2021, comprise a fixed charge for the API/EDI connection or use of the web interface on the one hand, and, on the other hand, a variable fee per processed container, which is divided into three equal parts between the shipping company, terminal and the first authorised party in the collection process.


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