The Vostochny-2, an offshore ship-to-ship transshipping complex, is scheduled to be commissioned in 2016, the PortNews regional correspondent reported from the 9th Russian Forum “Current State and Prospects for Development of Russian Bunker Services Market”.
Gennady Kukunin, Deputy to Vostochny Port Harbourmaster, Safe Navigation, of the Port Authority of Primorsky Krai and the Eastern Arctic said that currently the experts of DNIIMF are developing documentation for the facility, construction of reinforced concrete foundation is underway. Orders have been placed for mooring bridles and dolphins.
Mandatory regulations of Vostochny port have been updated with the information on the new offshore transshipment complex.
Mr. Kukinin added that the technological scheme and operational regulations of ship-to-ship transshipment at the offshore complex "Vostochny-2" are also being developed.