COSCON is to further strengthen the feeder network by providing two new weekly feeder loops (PLX1 and SNX1) in the beginning of July, 2015, the company said in its press release.
(1)Poland -Lithuania-Express 1 (PLX1)
Rotation: Hamburg - Gdynia - Klaipeda - Hamburg
Effective date: July 7th, 2015
(2)Sweden-Netherland- Express 1 (SNX1)
Rotation: Rotterdam - Oslo - Gothenburg - Rotterdam
Effective date: July 5th, 2015
Together with the new feeders launched in May 2015(Turkey-Black Sea- Express and Ireland-Netherland-Express), COSCON could provide total 12 services in North Europe and Mediterranean area (including one West Africa service).
COSCON EUROPE GMBH, as the wholly-owned subsidiary of CSOCON, has been running and operating all the above services as carrier from the beginning of this year.
The details of the services are as follows:
North Europe Area (Total 7 loops, via HUB Hamburg/Rotterdam)
(1) Russia -Finland -Service (RFS)
Rotation: Hamburg - St. Petersburg - Kotka - Hamburg - Gdynia - St. Petersburg - Hamburg
RFS service adjusted the rotation on May 31st, 2015 to provide twice-per-week service to Gdynia together with new PLX1.
Ireland-Netherland-Express (INX)
(2) INX1: Rotterdam - Dublin - Rotterdam
(3) INX2: Rotterdam - Cork - Rotterdam
(4) INX3: Rotterdam - Belfast - Rotterdam
(5) INX4: Rotterdam - Dublin - Rotterdam
(6) Poland -Lithuania-Express 1 (PLX1)
Rotation: Hamburg - Gdynia - Klaipeda - Hamburg
(7) Sweden-Netherland- Express 1 (SNX1)
Rotation: Rotterdam - Oslo - Gothenburg -Rotterdam
Mediterranean Area (Total 5 loops, three loops connecting with strategic hub Piraeus,and other two regional services forcusing on short sea transportation with long history and good reputation)
(1)Adriatic-Greece-Turkey Service (AGT)
Rotation: Piraeus - Rijeka - Koper - Venice - Ancona - Piraeus - Thessaloniki - Istanbul(Kumport) - Haydapasa -Yilport - Izmir - Piraeus
AGT (the combined service of previous AFS and MSX) is the unique feeder to provide direct service form/to Adriatic to/from Turkey in this area.
(2)Piraeus-Naples Express (PNX)
Rotation: Piraeus -Naples - Piraeus
(3)Turkey-Black Sea- Express (TBX)
Rotation: Piraeus - Kumport - Novorossysk - Constanza - Varna - Kumport - Thessaloniki - Piraeus
(4)Mediterranean- Feeder -Service (MFS)
Rotation: Ashdod - Haifa - Fos - Genoa - Naples - Ashdod
(5) Mediterranean - Africa - Service (MAF)
Rotation: La Spezia - Genoa - Castellon - Dakar - Lagos - Tema - Takoradi - Abijan - La Spezia
Based on the main loops and feeder network, COSCON could not only provide efficient connections and wide coverage via hub ports but also offer qualified regional short sea services in North Europe, East Med, West Med, Black Sea, Adriatic Sea, West Africa and all other potential areas.