Today the diving-support vessel ‘REDSBORG’ from the Wagenborg Offshore set direction to St. Eustatius. Under a ten-year contract the vessel will have a crucial role in subsea maintenance and diving activities. The voyage will take about 3 weeks and measures over 5.000 miles, the company said in its press release.
Redsborg, formerly known as Serkeborg, was converted into a diving support vessel at the Royal Niestern Sander shipyard in Delfzijl. The major conversion of this shallow draught icebreaking support vessel into a diving support vessel comprises the following items:
converting the vessel into a DP2 vessel;
expanding the accommodation facilities with 12 people to a total of 24 (including 11 crew);
installation of a fire-fighting unit;
installation of a four point mooring system;
installation of a diving decompression chamber;
installation of a moon pool;
upgrade of the crane to a capacity of 25 tonnes at 10 metres outreach.