Ceremonial launching of the 2109 navigation season has been held today, 30 April 2019, says press center of Federal Marine and River Transport Agency (Rosmorrechflot).
When greeting the ceremony participants, Roman Chesnokov, head of Ob-Irtyshvodput Administration, reminded that shipping companies of the Ob-Irtysh Basin carried over 8.1 million tonnes of cargo and more than 880,000 passengers in the navigation of 2018. According to him, so called northern deliveries were performed in full and according to the schedule.
Igor Lukyanov, Deputy Minister of Industry, Transport and Innovative Technologies of the Omsk Region, underlined the role of the river for the region.
The event was also attended by Andrey Kuznetsov, Acting Head of Ob-Irtysh Department of Gosmorrechnadzor; Mikhail Vishnyagov, Director of Ob-IrtyshBranch of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping; Andrey Babichev, Executie Director of Irtysh Shipping Company; Sergey Sandulov, General Director of Omsk River Port; Ivan Yankovsky, river fleet veteran; Yegor Gerasimov, Chairman of the Omsk Region Department of FlotProm.
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