According to Bunker Price Bulletin of IAA PortNews, the average indicative price at the port of Vladivostok for IFO-380 НS - $319 pmt, MGO (DMB) - $625 pmt, VLSFO 0.5% - $615.
The difference between maximum/minimum prices is still high with VLSFO 0.5% ranging between $590 and $640 pmt. It depends on the amount of fuel sold and its availability.
There is a demand for a high quality IMO 2020 compliant fuel. In the Far East region, it is mainly produced through blending. Bunkering companies note the fuel deficit in the region, particularly because of the overloaded railways.
IFO-380 НS prices at the port of Singapore totaled - $351, VLSFO 0.5% - $596, MGO - $602.
From 1 January 2020 the global upper limit on the sulphur content of ships' fuel oil is reduced to 0.50%.
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