A syndicate of VEB.RF and VTB has commenced financing of the project of construction of coal port “Sukhodol” (Primorsky Territory, Shkotovsky municipality, bay of Telyakovsky) under the programme “Project Financing Faxtory”. According to the press center of VEB.RF, the first tranche of the syndicated credit was provided on 28 August 2020.
The syndicated credit limit is about RUB 32 billion including RUB 5 billion of VEB.RF and RUB 27 billion of VTB.
The dedicated coal terminal includes handling and infrastructure facilities including federally owned ones The terminal capacity is 12 million tonnes with a possibility to build it up to 20 million tonnes per year. It is to be put into operation in October 2021.
The project was initiated by SDS-Ugol. The partner under the project is Russian Railways.
Related links:
Dredging operations for coal terminal in Sukhodol Bay to be completed this year>>>>