The project customer is Smiltynės perkėla, AB
Western Baltija Shipbuilding has started the implementation of a project of great significance for the Western Shipyard (WSY) Group of companies, the port city and the whole of Lithuania. On 31 August 2020, the steel cutting ceremony of the KLAIPĖDA passenger/cargo ferry took place, which marks the beginning of the building process of the ship. The memorable event was attended by the representatives of the project customer – Smiltynės perkėla, AB.
The majority of the WSY Group of companies is contributing to the implementation of this project. Design work is performed by Western Baltic Engineering. The basic design for the ferry has already been completed and submitted to the Bureau Veritas (BV) certification company for approval. The 3D modelling work for the hull and systems is also nearly completed, the development of production work documentation is almost finished, and equipment for the ship has been already ordered.
“Today we have a memorable day that marks the beginning of the construction of a new ferry, therefore, we are proud to be able, as shipbuilders, to make our contribution to the improvement in the transport infrastructure of our city and country and to build a ship for Lithuania, and Klaipėda. Turnkey shipbuilding is and will continue to be a strategic area of our business, therefore, each new order is both a challenge and an opportunity for us to make use of all the experience, knowledge and competencies we have built up over years. Thus, by implementing this project, we will strive to meet the expectations of the customer, all Klaipėda residents and city guests”, said Arnoldas Šileika, Director General of WSY Group of companies.
Mindaugas Čiakas, Director General of Smiltynės perkėla, AB, is convinced that the new ferry will not only supplement the fleet of the company but will also improve the quality of services provided by the company and open up new perspectives to further expand the scope of company’s activities.
“The whole team of our company is looking forward to the day when the ferry will be built and start running. To meet the needs of our customers and continue to ensure the high quality of our services, we have to become even more modern and keep pace with innovation. We have no doubt that this investment will bring benefits both to the company and to all our customers. We are happy to work closely and productively with the professional design team and the builders of the future ferry. We have succeeded in finding the most optimal solutions through joint efforts, and now let’s wait for the results”, said M. Čiakas.
A 60-meter-long and 14-meter-wide universal passenger/cargo ferry is being built for Smiltynės perkėla. The ship will be able to carry up to a thousand passengers, or at least 40 passenger cars and 600 passengers, or eight trucks with a total weight of up to 44 tons each. The hull of the ferry will be constructed of steel and the superstructure of aluminium. The ferry is scheduled to operate at both the New Ferry Terminal and the Old Ferry Terminal.