The Atommash plant (part of the machine-engineering division of Rosatom - "Atomenergomash") manufactured and shipped the Reactor Pressure Vessel for the first power unit of the "Akkuyu" nuclear power plant under construction. According to the company’s statement, it took almost three years to manufacture the 330-ton Reactor pressure Vessel 12 meters long. A month earlier, four Steam Generators left the plant for the construction site of the "Akkuyu" NPP - the first nuclear power plant in Turkey. Thus, to date, the company has shipped all the most important large-sized equipment of the primary circuit of the reactor for the "Akkuyu" Unit No. 1.
In total, the NPP project in Turkey includes four power units with Russian reactors of the VVER-1200 type of generation 3+. The capacity of each power unit will be 1200 MW. The "Akkuyu" NPP is the first project in the global nuclear industry, implemented according to the Build-Own-Operate model - “Build-Own-Operate”.
Transportation of items is a complex logistic operation. The Reactor Pressure Vessel for the "Akkuyu" NPP and two Steam Generators for the "Rooppur" NPP (Bangladesh) are currently being shipped. Three items with a total weight of over 1000 tons will be loaded onto road transporters and delivered to a specialized port-terminal of the Tsimlyansk reservoir. Trolleybus wires were being temporarily dismantled along the entire route. The equipment will be shipped to the customer's site by sea.
According to Igor Kotov, Director General of JSC "AEM-technology", the shipment of the Reactor is one of the most important stages in the implementation of a unique project for the construction of the first nuclear power plant in the Republic of Turkey. “Today we are completing the process of shipment of key large-sized equipment for the first unit of the "Akkuyu" NPP and are moving on to the active stage of the manufacture of equipment for the second unit. It should be noted that in the difficult conditions of the current year, Atommash was able to improve and maintain a high rate of manufacture, ensure all the necessary parameters of quality and safety of items, precisely fulfilling contractual obligations. Let me remind you that in 2020, the anniversary year for the industry, the company will manufacture 3 reactor plants, 17 steam generators - a record figure for the entire existence of the company. It is safe to say that the modern Atommash proves the absolute process leadership of the Russian nuclear engineering industry, "Igor Kotov noted.
Manufacture of the Reactor Facility is a unique high-tech professional skill that only a few countries in the world possess. JSC "AEM-technology", which is a part of the machine-engineering division of Rosatom, is the only company in Russia that manufactures a complete set of nuclear steam generating facilities (NPPU) for NPPs. The production facilities of the Atommash plant allow manufacturing up to four sets of equipment per year.
It is planned that after commissioning the "Akkuyu" NPP will generate about 35 billion kWh per year. The plant will cover up to 10% of the electricity needs of the Republic of Turkey. After the commissioning of all four units, the volume of electricity generated by the "Akkuyu" NPP will be sufficient to provide for about 90% of electricity to such a large city as Istanbul.
The "Akkuyu" NPP complies with all modern requirements of the world nuclear community, enshrined in the safety standards of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group, and the requirements of the Club of European Operating Organizations (EUR).
Joint Stock Company "AEM-technology", founded in 2007 within the structure of JSC "Atomenergomash", the machine-engineering division of the State Nuclear Atomic Corporation "Rosatom", is currently one of the leading Russian companies in the field of power engineering, the manufacturer of the main set of equipment for the reactor hall of nuclear power plants.
JSC "Atomenergomash" is a machine-engineering division of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, the largest power machine-engineering company in Russia in terms of manufacture and revenue. The holding company is a complete supplier of equipment for the reactor hall and the turbine hall of all Russian-designed NPPs under construction, a manufacturer of equipment for LNG projects, waste-to-energy plants, a developer and supplier of integrated solutions for energy enterprises, the oil and gas complex, shipbuilding and other industries. Our technologies and equipment ensure the operation of about 15% of nuclear power plants in the world and 40% of thermal power plants in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The company unites leading research, engineering and manufacturing enterprises in Russia and abroad.