Head of RosGeo considers development of such fields in the Arctic to be quite promising
Deposits in the area of shallow waters and estuaries should be taken into account when developing the Arctic resources, IAA PortNews correspondent cites Sergey Gorkov, Director General, Chairman of the Board, RosGeo, as saying during the online media conference.
“When we speak about the Arctic we always refer to the sea and the shelf and somehow miss the coastal areas where extraction is less technologically challenging. I consider it to be very promising”, said Sergey Gorkov.
According to him, development of the Arctic fields in shallow waters and estuaries of the rivers is quite viable. “It is easier technologically, in terms of efficiency and expenses. I think the focus on such deposits would be quite a good challenge”, said the head of RosGeo.
Sergey Gorkov also reminded about a sedimentary cover with a hydrocarbon potential found by RosGeo in 2020 in the course of its seismic exploration to delineate outer limits of Russia’s continental shelf. “It cannot be referred to as a discovery yet as much research is to be conducted but that sedimentary cover is over 9 kilometers which is quite promising”.
RosGeo is a Russian multi-disciplinary geological holding that carries out a full range of services related to geological exploration: from regional surveys to parametric drilling and monitoring of subsoil conditions. The holding company boasts a unique expertise, particularly in marine geology and shelf operations. A total of more than 1,000 fields and deposits have been discovered by the holding’s companies, including major hydrocarbon and solid mineral deposits and fields. RosGeo is a fully state-owned company.