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2008 October 7   05:59

Revised MARPOL Annex VI implementation delayed

A Japanese proposal to delay the entry into force of the revised MARPOL Annex VI and the NOx Technical Code has received full support at the opening of the 58th session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 58) meeting in London this week.
Japan's submission to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) meeting said a slight delay would allow for a further two MEPC meetings, as opposed to just one, to work out complex technical issues in the amended regulation.
It suggested to move the implementation date from March 1, 2010 to July 1, 2010 because it "considers that at least two sessions of MEPC after adoption would be necessary, as it would be very difficult to examine, develop and finalize the technically detailed instruments in one session only."
It said the slight delay, while not affecting the "balance of the package agreed at MEPC 57" would help "ensure global unified and smooth implementation without confusion."
Japan's submission also argued that the proposed July 1, 2010 date would allow "some preparation period for domestic regulatory scheme legislation" ahead of the entry into force.
Apart from the later implementation date, Japan said it was "critically important to adopt the amendments at this session without any substantial changes to the agreed contents."
The delegation from Norway, noting Japan's commitment to the overall revised text of MARPOL Annex VI, said it considered it a "minor change" that would allow for a more "robust" regulation, and gave it full support.
Delegations from Ireland, China, South Korea, France, Greece, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Brazil also expressed full support for the Japanese proposal.
With no objections from the MEPC plenary, the Chairman concluded that implementation of MARPOL Annex VI will be delayed to July 1, 2010 in line with the Japanese proposal.
It means the sulphur limit in existing emission control areas (ECAs) will fall from the current 1.50% to 1.00% on July 1, 2010.
Other dates for reducing sulphur limits in ECAs or globally under MARPOL Annex VI are not affected by the four-month delay.

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