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  3. ClassNK rolls out free PrimeShip-GREEN/ProSTA software for maritime industry

2015 May 2   14:45

ClassNK rolls out free PrimeShip-GREEN/ProSTA software for maritime industry

ClassNK (Chairman and President: Noboru Ueda) releases PrimeShip-GREEN/ProSTA, making it the world’s first classification society to develop software which analyzes and calculates a ship’s speed trial results for EEDI calculation in compliance with the latest IMO Guidelines on 1 May 2015, the society said in a press release.

MARPOL AnnexVI states one parameter to calculate EEDI as the ship’s speed in calm sea conditions based on the speed trial results. To eliminate the effects of external factors during sea trial (wind, waves, current, water depth, sea temperature) and provide a way to analyze and calculate a ship’s speed in calm sea conditions, IMO assigned two methods in its Guidelines on survey and certification of the Energy Efficiency Design Index. Those were ISO 15016:2002 and the International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC) Recommended Procedures.

In response to requests from IMO to eliminate this dual standard, ISO and ITTC worked together to create the new harmonized international standard ISO 15016:2015 which was published on 1 April 2015. ISO 15016:2015 will be adopted at this month’s MEPC68 and is expected to apply to all sea trials from June 2015.

In addition to providing technical support for standard harmonization, ClassNK has also developed support tools such as PrimeShip-GREEN/ProSTA for shipyards, shipowners, and the greater maritime industry to enable smooth adoption of the amended standard. The software enables ship designers to calculate the ship’s speed in compliance with ISO15016:2015 and reduces the workload required for EEDI calculation.

As a non-profit organization that is dedicated to supporting the advancement of the maritime industry, ClassNK will offer this software completely free of charge to all applicants.

Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, known as ClassNK or NK, is a ship classification society. The Society is actively engaged in a growing range of ship related activities and services aimed at contributing to promoting the protection of human life and property at sea as well as protection of the marine environment. ClassNK is dedicated to ensuring the safety of life and property at sea, and the prevention of pollution of the marine environment.

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