Achievements of the Primorsky Territory in the development of civil shipbuilding on the base of the defence enterprises were emphasized by Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Rogozin at the meeting dedicated to defence procurement in the Far East Federal District. The meeting has been held today, June 24, 2016 in Vladivostok. The Zvezda Shipbuilding Complex has been mentioned as an example, says press center of the Primorsky Territory Administration.
Dmitry Rogozin said the year of 2017-2018 will see the peak of defence procurement. Then, - he said, - civil production should be established at defence enterprises.
“The Zvezda Shipbuilding Complex in Bolshoi Kamen is not just a plant. In fact, it features a concept of one stop shop for all state orders. The country’s largest dry dock will be built here. Unique technologies appear right before our eyes. They will let turn the Northern Sea Route into a practicable route along the Arctic shelf and use the transit opportunities of our country”, emphasized Dmitry Rogozin.
Primorsky Territory Governor Vladimir Miklushevsky said in his turn that Zvezda shipyard is booked with orders for the coming 2.5 years.
Vladimir Miklushevsky believes the Primorje has great perspectives in the development of shipbuilding and instrument engineering. The region boasts unique scientific achievements in the development of subsea robot technologies which can be applicable at both the Zvezda Shipbuilding Complex and other industries.
“Creation of a shipyard for construction of Arctic class vessels will let stop pulling of the funds out of the country and will allow for implementation of large scale, I would say great, plans on development of the Arctic shelf accounting for up to 80% of the country’s gas fields,” said Dmitry Rogozin. At the meeting dedicated to the construction of a shipbuilding complex.
The Zvezda Shipbuilding Complex is being built by a Consortium of Rosneftegaz, Rosneft and Gazprombank on the basis of the Far Eastern Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Center. Pilot work load for the Complex is provided by Rosneft, which made an exclusive agreement with FESRC to place all orders for new marine equipment and vessels with its facilities, as well as contracts for the design, construction and delivery of two multipurpose ice-class supply vessels. The new 100 meter-long ships will be able to operate in the most severe conditions for Rosneft offshore projects in the northern seas. In addition, two more supply vessels will also be built.
Establishment of a priority development area in Bolshoi Kamen was established by RF Government on February 1, 2016. The 324-hectare PDA will specialize in shipbuilding. Special legal regime is applicable to 51 types of economic activities. The new shipyard will build vessels with any degree of complexity, characteristics and purpose.
Primorsky Territory Governor Vladimir Miklushevskiy says the Zvezda is a priority project for the entire Russia. When put into operation the shipyard will let increase the level of import substitution in the region and generate over 7,000 jobs.