A bill on priority of Russian flagged ships when exporting cargo from Russian seaports passes first reading in State Duma
The Russian State Duma today adopted in the first reading a bill that provides that the Russian flagged ships will be given a priority in the transportation of certain export cargo from Russian seaports, the legislative body website said.
“Adopt the bill in the first reading; submit amendments to the bill (the deadline for amendments sumbittion is ten days from the date of adoption of the resolution; November 16, 2023),” the entry says.
IAA PortNews has reported earlier that the Russian government prepared some adjustments to the Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation. It is assumed that the proposed changes will protect the interests of Russian cargo owners and shipowners in the event of external unfavorable conditions and in connection with the sanctions regime, when foreign consignees and Russian shippers give preference when chartering ships to foreign flags and foreign shipowners.
The law is expected to come into force March 1, 2025.
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