Only the JCX service will be withdrawn on October 23 as part of the winter programme of the Grand Alliance, comprising of Hapag-Lloyd, NYK and OOCL. The last sailing for JCX will be CSAV La Ligua (LLG 004E) with estimated time of departure (ETD) for Tokyo on October 22.
But changes will be come to the CCX, SCX and SSX services:
CCX - New pro forma effective with NYK Libra (NLR 074E); estimated time of departure from Qingdao on October 25.
SCX - New pro forma effective with NYK Aphrodite (NAE 057E); estimated time of departure from Laem Chabang on October 17.
SSX - New pro forma effective with OOCL Asia (OAS 046E); estimated time of departure from Shenzhen-Yantian on October 22.