Rosmorport plans to order a series of pilot boats of ice class. Pella Shipyard is now building a multipurpose ice-class boat designed by UK-based Camarc Design for the North-West branch of Rosmorport. The ship's length is about 23 m, speed - not less than 20 knots.
"If seaworthiness of the craft is confirmed and the new vessel is given good evaluation by pilots during her sea trials in the Gulf of Finland, the construction of a series of such boats will be continued," said Irina Lobkova, spokesperson for Rosmorport.
Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rosmorport was founded by the Russian Government in 2002 for management, maintenance, creation and expansion of the federal assets at Russian ports. Rosmorport is a backbone company of the country’s port industry, which is responsible for safety of navigation, providing pilotage service. The company manages and operates the world's largest icebreaker fleet of 26 diesel-electric icebreakers. Rosmorport employs more than 5,500 people in 16 regions of Russia.