The FMC wanted to examine the repeal's impact because, unlike in the EU, carrier rate discussion agreements are still allowed in the US. There has been debate over whether the EU's ending of anti-trust immunity would give European shippers a competitive edge over their US counterparts. Indeed, the European Commission moved to repeal the exemption because it believed liner conferences were causing harm to shippers by reducing their bargaining power. But the study concludes that perhaps that harm was "less substantial than previously believed". The FMC's job in assessing the impact was complicated, it notes, by the 2009 global recession, which "produced the largest decline in trade volumes in liner history".
Ending rate fixing in shipping had little impact, study says
The FMC wanted to examine the repeal's impact because, unlike in the EU, carrier rate discussion agreements are still allowed in the US. There has been debate over whether the EU's ending of anti-trust immunity would give European shippers a competitive edge over their US counterparts. Indeed, the European Commission moved to repeal the exemption because it believed liner conferences were causing harm to shippers by reducing their bargaining power. But the study concludes that perhaps that harm was "less substantial than previously believed". The FMC's job in assessing the impact was complicated, it notes, by the 2009 global recession, which "produced the largest decline in trade volumes in liner history".