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2012 February 22   14:19

RS to take part in Filanovskoye field development

According to the contract signed in late 2011, Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS) will review documentation of four different purpose platforms for compliance with applicable requirements of the RS rules and international conventions and agreements. As a result, RS will decide on the possibility of the RS class assignment to the field development facilities, the society press release said.

The next stage will involve contracts on approval of design documentation for the Filanovskoye field and survey of the platforms construction.

The Filanovskoye field was named after a famous petroleum engineer Vladimir Filanovsky who significantly contributed to the development of national oil industry. Oil makes up to 75% of total reserves of the field. According to preliminary calculations the maximum level of oil production will exceed 5 million tons per year.

The state expertise considered the Filanovkoye field oil reserves to be the largest among those discovered in Russia in the last 10 years.  
Within the project RS will review the following facilities documentation:

•    central processing platform with a catwalk bridge;
•    ice-resistant fixed platform No.1 with a catwalk bridge;
•    platform containing living quarters No.1 with a catwalk bridge;
•    raiser block.

Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS) is one of the leading classification societies, established in 1913. RS is an EU-recognised member of IACS, associate member of INTERTANKO, INTERCARGO and BIMCO.

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