The Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) is determined using a fixed formula and
shows the CO2 emissions of a cargo vessel in grams per tonne transported and sea mile travelled. EEDI was developed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the shipping branch of the United Nations, in order to establish a standard benchmark for the energy efficiency and environmental impact of cargo vessels (container ships, bulkers, tankers, etc.). As with cars, household appliances or light bulbs, the aim is to help ships with reduced energy consumption and CO2 emissions to gain a greater share of the market. The EEDI will be mandatory for newly built ships from 2013. At this point, the EEDI will set a standard of energy efficiency which must be met by newbuilt vessels. This energy efficiency standard, in terms of the allowable upper limit for EEDI, will then be gradually tightened over time.
As Hapag-Lloyd has already invested a great deal in the development and implementation of the latest maritime technology, its more recent ships in particular are especially low in CO2 emissions. In 2010, the “Vienna Express” was the very first ship in the world to receive an EEDI certificate. The 8,750 TEU ship is equipped with the latest technology and electronic control systems, which result in a 25% smaller CO2 footprint compared with the world fleet average for container vessels.
“The voluntary EEDI certification of our existing fleet means we have had the CO2 emissions of our vessel’s design examined by an independent third party. The results are extremely gratifying, but the EEDI figures also show us where we can do even better. And that is what we are always looking for when it comes to conserving natural resources,” said Michael Behrendt, Chairman of the Executive Board of Hapag-Lloyd AG.
* De-Rating is a technical method of reducing the power of a ship’s main engine in order to achieve optimal combustion at the slower cruising speeds implied by slow steaming as well as other fuel economies. Hapag-Lloyd was one of the pioneers in liner shipping when De-Rating was being developed and tested, and when slow steaming was introduced.
In 2011, Hapag-Lloyd transported more than 5.2 million TEU and generated revenue of around EUR 6.1 billion (preliminary figures). The Company has around 6,900 employees at 300 sites in 114 countries. It operates more than 82 of its own liner services and has an extensive feeder network, linking over 430 ports around the world. The total fleet (including charters) consists of some 150 vessels with a total capacity of nearly 680,000 TEU. This makes Hapag-Lloyd currently the fourth-largest liner shipping company in the world.
Source: Hapag-Lloyd