After having taken the necessary preparations and rigging of the lifting gear, both tugs were nicely loaded into their prepositioned cradles on deck in a two day operation.
The tugs were ordered by JL Tug and Fedala Tug. Both are Moroccan, privately owned, maritime services companies that have long-time relationships with Damen Shipyards.
The Ibrahim 1 will be operated by JL Tug in the Port of JorfLasfar and the Jacques will be operated by Fedala Tug in the Port of Mohammedia.
Damen Shipyards Group (est. 1927) is a globally operating company with 37 owned shipyards and numerous partner yards. Damen employs over 6,000 people, has built over 5,000 vessels worldwide and delivers up to 150 vessels annually. Based on its unique, standardised ship-design concept and short delivery times, Damen is able to guarantee constant quality.
Damen’s focus on standardisation and modular construction approach lead toshort delivery times (Damen keeps vessels in stock), low ‘total cost of ownership’, high resale value, proven technologyand reliable performance. Damen offers a wide range of products, including: tugs, workboats, patrol vessels, high speed craft, cargo vessels, dredgers, offshore support vessels, oil-spill response vessels and even frigates and mega yachts. In addition to shipbuilding, Damen offers efficient customer support, customer financing and complete lifecycle service.