Hamburg Süd aiming for a 26% cut in CO2e emissions
Hamburg Süd is pressing ahead vigorously with its commitment to environmental protection. The shipping group thus decided recently to set itself an objectively measurable environmental target: by 2020 Hamburg Süd is aiming to reduce the CO2e emissions of its owned and chartered container vessels per unit of transport capacity (TEUkm) by 26 per cent. Besides carbon dioxide, the unit of measurement CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) takes account of other climate gases (e.g., methane) produced in the combustion process in line with their effect on the climate, the Group's press release said.
“We have always felt committed to the protection of the environment and have launched numerous voluntary initiatives and projects in the past to mitigate environmental impact,” said Dr Ottmar Gast, Chairman of the Executive Board of Hamburg Süd. “With the self-imposed cut in CO2e emissions we now intend to go a step further and make our environmental commitment clear for all to follow. At the same time, we are confident that the measurable results will enable us to identify further optimization potential in the future.”
Hamburg Süd aims to reach this target by taking a variety of measures, such as investing in the energy efficiency of owned ships, increasing average vessel size, chartering in energy-efficient ship, accompanied by an improved and comprehensive environmental information system.
Hamburg Süd employs more than 4,700 staff. It operates 174 ships and maintains a global inventory of some 349,000 containers in a wide array of sizes and configurations and strategically positioned to meet the regional and seasonal needs of our customers. Hamburg Süd is part of the successful Oetker Group, one of the largest and best-known family businesses in Germany.