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2015 February 25   08:49

IMO’s SDC sub-committee approves amendments to SOLAS and other international documents

The Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) approved amendments to SOLAS and other international documents at its second session (SDC2) held on February 16-20, 2015 at IMO Headquarters in London, press center of RF Ministry of Transport says. 

The Sub-Committee has elaborated and approved the amendments to SOLAS chapter II-1related to intact stability, information on stability provided to masters, determination of Subdivision Index «А» and calculation of survival factor si for passenger ships and cargo ships, requirements on double bottoms in passenger ships and cargo ships other than tankers, as well as water tightness of ships, structure and testing of watertight doors on passenger ships. 

Draft amendments to SOLAS regulation II-2/13 have been approved to make evacuation analysis mandatory for passenger ships carrying more than 36 passengers and Ro-Ro ships as well as draft SOLAS regulation II-2/13.6  regarding the means of escape from ro-ro spaces.

Besides, the Sub-Committee agreed to amend the draft OSV Chemical Code. In particular, SDC 2 agreed to forward finalised text of Chapter 2 of the draft OSV Chemical Code on ship survival capability and location of cargo tanks to the PPR Sub-Committee. 

Also, the Sub-Committee agreed draft ‘Interim Guidelines for use of Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) elements within ship structures and draft Unified Interpretation (UI) of the ‘Guidelines for Safe Access to Tanker Bows’ (resolution MSC.62(87)).

SDC 2 also agreed a draft amendment to part B of the 2008 IS Code regarding vessels engaged in anchor handling operations as well as draft amendments to the ‘Guidelines for the application of plastic pipes in ships’ (Resolution A.753 (18) with amendments by Resolution MSC.313(88)). 

The documents prepared at SDC 2 will be forwarded for approval by MSC95, which meets on June 03-12, 2015. 

SDC 3 is scheduled for January 18-22, 2016.


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