Glander International Bunkering, today announced a very successful start to its new physical operations in East Coast South America (Offshore Recife, Brazil). The full initial cargo was sold within 2 weeks of operation, the company said in its press release.
Glander International Bunkering positioned an offshore tanker just outside the shipping lanes of ECSA, in the intersection point of routes between Europe x ECSA, North America x ECSA and Africa x North America.
While commenting on the new set up, Christoffer Berg Lassen, CEO of Glander International Bunkering, adds: ‘LSMGO will also be available now in our physical operation Offshore Brazil as we understand our clients requirements when trading to ECA zones. And we need to assist them.’ Lassen continues, ‘We are following our commitment to expand our global presence by diversifying our supply opportunities in markets where we identify we can add value to our clients.’
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