Last year the 1995-built shuttle tanker, Navion Norvegia, concluded her service as a shuttle tanker. The vessel is now undergoing a conversion into an FPSO unit, Libra FPSO, extending its life with up to 12 years of future operations. The Libra FPSO will operate on the large Libra pre-salt field in the Santos Basin offshore Brazil. The field has estimated reserves of 8 to 12 billion barrels of oil equivalent, which is currently considered to be the largest oil field offshore Brazil. This field is a high priority for the strong consortium of international partners including Total, Shell, CNOOC, CNPC and led by Petrobras. The Libra FPSO will be used as an early well test unit in support of a much larger development with multiple large FPSOs.
The vessel is currently being converted at the Jurong Shipyard in Singapore and is on schedule to achieve first oil in early-2017, at which point it will commence its 12-year charter contract. During the third quarter, the vessel drydocked for steel upgrades to the hull, topside fabrication continued and all long-lead items were ordered.