Beginning of November the Nigerian Shipper’s Council (NCS) - authorized by the government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria – was going to implement the Advance Cargo Declaration (ACD) for all Import & Export shipments to/from Nigeria, Hapag-Lloyd said in its press release.
Advance Cargo Declaration is required to ensure that:
all cargo (Import & Export) is accompanied by an Entry Summary
Number (ENS) or an Exit Summary Number (EXS)
all vessels loading or unloading in Nigerian ports obtain a Movement Reference Number (MRN)
Import/Export cargo to/from Nigeria
1. Shipper/forwarder will need to register and log in onto to proceed with the Advanced Cargo Declaration and obtain ENS/EXS for their respective shipments
2. Shipping lines will be required to mention the ENS/EXS number in the B/L, SWB and Cargo Manifest.