LRQA, a leading provider of professional assurance services, has received accreditation from the USA's ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board (ANAB) for Responsible Care (RC) 14001:2015, Lloyd's Register said Wednesday.
Created by The American Chemistry Council (ACC), RC 14001:2015 and Responsible Care Management System (RCMS®) offers an integrated, structured approach to improve company performance in the following key areas: community awareness and emergency response; security; distribution; employee health and safety; pollution prevention; and process and product safety. For ACC members, RC 14001 or RCMS certification is mandatory. In addition, LRQA offers certification to RCMS:2013.
Certification must be renewed every three years, and companies can obtain RC14001:2015, which combines Responsible Care and international environmental management standard ISO 14001 certification into a single, cost-effective process. Although originally intended for chemical companies and their suppliers, any company can seek certification. RC 14001:2015 incorporates one of ISO’s most widely used standards to help organizations establish an integrated approach to environmental management.
LRQA provides a complete range of services to help organisations' transition to revised standards. These include gap analysis, preliminary assessments, transition certification, and training packages that can all be tailored to suit the individual needs of the organisation.
“LRQA certifies companies to RC 14001:2015 and RCMS as well as many other industry standards – putting sustainability at the heart of your business. Better hazard awareness, adequate emergency planning and clear communications with oversight bodies along with a robust RC 14001 system can help ensure that you have these frameworks in place. LRQA assessors are trained to look for these things in the conformity assessments,” said Chris Koci, President, LRQA, Inc. He adds, “LRQA assessors can provide a thorough, value added assessment that helps to improve a company’s Responsible Care Management System.”
LRQA can now issue ANAB-accredited certificates for RC 14001:2015 and RCMS:2013. LRQA received accreditation on 4 April 2016, which is recognised on ANAB’s website at: LRQA is also accredited by ANAB for ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015.
LRQA is a member of the Lloyd’s Register group. LRQA is a leading independent provider of professional assurance services including assessment, certification, validation, verification and training across a broad spectrum of standards, schemes and customised assurance programmes.