The head of the defence department General of the Army Sergei Shoigu held a board session of the Russian Defence Ministry, says the Ministry’s press center.
Leadership of the Russian Armed Forces, representatives of state power authorities and Public Council of the Russian Defence Ministry took part in the session.
Apart from other issues the Board discussed implementation of the 2020 Activity Plan by the Northern Fleet.
General of the Army Sergei Shoigu reminded “more than 2 years ago the Northern Fleet, interservice strategic formation, was formed in order to protect northern borders of Russia”.
Construction of unique close-cycle military towns will be finished on the Frantz Josef Land Archipelago and New Siberian Islands in 2016.
Units of mobile rapid reaction forces are being trained in conditions of the Far North. Crews of submarines are performing under-ice training tasks.
The Black Sea Fleet and the Caspian Flotilla have received small-sized missile ships armed with Kalibr, sea-based cruise missiles.