In January-November 2016, Russian seaports handled 657.6 mln t of cargo (+6.4%, year-on-year), says the press center of Federal Marine and River Transport Agency (Rosmorrechflot).
Transshipment of dry bulk cargo totaled 306.6 mln t (+7.9 %), liquid bulk cargo - 350.9 mln t (+5.2 %).
Operators of the Arctic Basin terminals handled 44.6 mln t (+ 37.4%) including 24.2 mln t of dry bulk cargo (+ 6.1%) and 20.4 mln t of liquid bulk cargo (+ 111.3%).
The ports of the Baltic Basin handled 215.4 mln t (+ 2.2%) including 81.39 mln t of dry bulk cargo (+ 1.8%) and 134 mln t of liquid bulk cargo (+ 2.5%).
Throughput of Azov - Black Sea ports climbed to 222.7 mln t (+ 4.9%) including 89 mln t of dry bulk cargo (+ 8.5%) and 126 mln t of liquid bulk cargo (+ 2.2%).
The ports of the Caspian Basin handled 5.46 mln t (- 11.2 %) including 2.8 mln t of dry bulk cargo (- 0.2%) and 2.65 mln t of liquid bulk cargo (- 20.8%).
The ports of Far East Basin handled 169.4 mln t (+ 8.6%) including 101.6 mln t of dry bulk cargo (+ 13.3%) and 67.8 mln t of liquid bulk cargo (+ 2.2%).