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2017 November 27   09:33

Tug-salvage vessel Piltun rolled out to open slipway at Nevsky Shipyard

On November 24, 2017, a multipurpose shallow-draft tug-salvage vessel with Arc 5 arctic class project MPSV12 Piltun was rolled out to an open slipway at Nevsky Shipyard (Shliesselburg, Leningrad Region).

According to the shipyard, the construction of vessel is provided by the order of FGI “Directorate of State Contracting Authority for Marine Transport Development Programmes”. The project is developed by CJSC “Marine engineering Bureau-design-SPb.

Multipurpose shallow-draft tug-salvage vessel of the MPSV12 project is unique by its equipment and available technology. Functions of the vessel are: patrolling, search-and-rescue at the navigation districts, in-shore fishing, sea oil and gas field in compliance with class, search and aiding for distressing vessels; search-and-rescue, ship repairing works, diving to the depth up to 60 meters, and also underwater-technical works with underwater welding and cutting, tugging breakdown vessels and objects to the refuge; and also sea tugging of vessels, floating objects and constructions in the ice conditions and in the open water, extinguishing of the burning fuel on the water, liquidation of the oil spill and oil products, search and inspection of the potential dangerous objects, search and aiding, evacuation and accommodation of people, providing medical assistance, extinguishing of fire on the in-shore objects and floating objects with accessible approach from the sea, delivery of general and bulk cargo, delivery of stuff, transportation of 12 passengers in ice conditions at small depths.

For reference: Vessels of the MPSV12 project are named after the names of the rivers located in the areas of the registration ports and operation of these vessels. Multifunctional salvage tug, building number 1204, was named after Piltun. Piltun is a river on the island of Sakhalin. It flows into the Gulf of Piltun of the Sea of Okhotsk. The total length of the river is 77 km. The area of its catchment area is 633 km ². Large tributaries: the right - Putakku (23 km); the left - Sugdu (14 km), Kogdoy (22 km).


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