The extended meeting of the MariNet commission (MariNet is the working group of National Technological Initiative, NTI) approved a number of innovative projects for water transport.
According to IAA PortNews correspondent, the commission approved the project on development of a robotic search and rescue system with creation of a special robot for saving yachtsmen (Kayak Motors LLC).
Other projects approved by the MariNet commission:
Innovative catamaran with a thrust-vectoring module and a joystick control (Composite Shipbuilding LLC).
Interactive construction kit for education of children (Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping) and educational product “Transport Surveyor” (Russian Transport University).
A system for synchronized registration of vessel traveltime parameters and hydrometeorological parameters (Krylov State Research Center).
Project on supply of sailboats with power generated by compact wind- and hydro- units (VKB-Alfa).
Development of a drifting buoy with an instrumentation line for control of water areas’ active zone including polar regions (Marlyn-Yug).
Development of a smart dynamic map of renewable energy source in the global ocean (Digital Design LLC).
Development of a complex of technological support to marine seismic field work involving bottom stations (Brain Systems LLC).
Development of a technology for separating and purification of liquid phospholipids in non-food aquatic bioresources (Smart Oil Processing LLC).
Development of a multi-frequency sonar based on nonlinear acoustics for detection and monitoring of sea bioresources in shallow waters (Nelacs LLC).