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2018 February 21   12:10

Rosterminalugol transferred over RUB 1.5bn of taxes to different budgets

Rosterminalugol JSC (member of Port Management Company Group), the largest dedicated state-of-the-art coal terminal in the European part of Russia in 2017 transferred to the budgets of all levels more than RUB 1.5 billion, the stevedoring company said in a press release.

In the reporting period the coal terminal operator transferred RUB 343 million to the federal budget, RUB 1.16 billion to the budget of the Leningrad region and RUB 24.6 million to the budget of St. Petersburg.

“Rosterminalugol is among largest taxpayers in the Leningrad Region contributing to the solution of the most urgent problems requiring financing from budgets of different levels," the release says.

In addition, the company implements a number of social projects in the region, financing sports and youth organizations. In 2017, Port Management Company Holding and its member Rosterminalugol transferred more than 17 million rubles for charity, sponsorship and relief projects launched for residents of Kingisepp and the region.

Port Management Company and Rostermanolugol in 2017 assigned more than RUB 26 million for social benefits of employees and members of their families. The company’s social responsibility policy ensure long-term sustainable development of the coal terminal.

Rosterminalugol JSC (port Ust-Luga, Leningrad Region) is the largest dedicated coal terminal in the North-West region of Russia. The terminal built with the application of the innovative technologies is intended to supply Russian coal produced in Kuzbass and other coal fields to the customers in Europe, Africa, Middle East and Latin America. The terminal was founded in 1996 under the programme on establishment of a commercial seaport in Ust-Luga. Phase II of the port – automated transshipment facility – was put into operation in 2006 in the presence of Russian President Vladimir Putin. In 2016, Rosterminalugol entered the holding run by Port Management Company LLC.

In 2017, coal throughput of Rosterminalugol grew by 38%, year-on-year, to a record high of 25 million tonnes (over 60% of coal exports through the ports of Russia’s Baltic Basin). In 2016, Port Management Company LLC launched the project the terminal expansion and modernization. In the recent five years the terminal exported 80 million tonnes of coal, which is an absolute record among the ports of Russia’s North-West region. On 24 June 2017, the coal port handled its largest bulk carrier ever – Navios Pollux (Capesize, DWT – 180,000 tonnes, LOA - 282 m, Beam – 45 m).

The coal port three-phased development and expansion project ensures a complete cycle of operations including automatic unloading, treatment and magnetic cleaning, storage and loading onto seagoing ships including Panamax and Capsize bulk cargo carriers, customs and shipping paperwork. Environmental safety at the port is ensured by state-of-the-art dust suppression and storm water control systems. In 2016, Rosterminalugol celebrated its 20th anniversary.

Automation of all operations at Rosterminalugol terminal exceeds 98%.

Port Management Company LLC founded in 2008. is Russia's major coal port holding that exercises the powers of a single executive body of largest dedicated coal ports based in the Baltic Sea region (Rosterminalugol JSC, Ust-Luga, Leningrad Region) and in the Far East (Vostochny Port JSC, Wrangel  Bay, Primorsky Territory). In 2017, total coal throughput of the holding's stevedoring companies reached 48.2 million tonnes, which is more than one third of all seaborne coal exports from Russia. The commodity is exported to more than 30 countries in Europe, the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region. By 2019, according to PMC' estimates the total annual coal throughput across marine coal terminals will increase to 56.5 million tonnes.
Dedicated coal ports of the holding, Vostochny Port and Rosterminalugol, are fitted with the cutting-edge equipment for indoor transshipment of coal. The Holding is focused on the search and introduction of the best technologies available to increase coal transshipment and improve environmental safety. The coal ports boast the world’s best equipment, unique import substitution technologies and in-house designed products.


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