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  3. Auction related to MV AMUR 2501 to take place on 9 April 2018 (photo)

2018 March 27   16:31

Auction related to MV AMUR 2501 to take place on 9 April 2018 (photo)

Law firm “Stepanov&Aksuk” says the auction related to mv «AMUR 2501» IMO 8721272 will take place at 10:00 am on April 09, 2018 at electronic platform of "Southern Commercial System" LLC. The applications must be filed in electronic form on the website ug-t-s.ru. The auction will be with open list of participants but with a closed form of proposals for the price.

Starting price – 17 522 000,00 rubles, advance amount – 876 000,00 rubles (is paid by one payment in the terms and in the order established by the deposit agreement, posted on the website www.ug-t-s.ru, to the account of Territorial Administration of the Federal Agency for State Property Management in the Rostov Region). The winner of the tender will be the participant who will propose the highest price for the property being sold.

Application start date: March 15, 2018 (acceptance of applications, according to the notice of the auction, starting at 11:00 am). Application submission deadline: April 05, 2018 at 12:00 am.

The list of documents required for filing an application for participation in auction, application form, deposit agreement form are posted on the website of Territorial Administration of the Federal Agency for State Property Management in the Rostov Region: tu61.rosim.ru, and on the website of "Southern Commercial System " LLC (electronic platform Southern Commercial System) ug-t-s.ru. All documents required for filling the application must be signed with electronically arranged signature (EDS).

In case of any questions please apply for clarifications at the following contacts: Daria Filatova, the lawyer of Law firm “Stepanov&Aksuk” office of Grata International in Rostov-on-Don, tel.: 8 (800) 234-71-10, e-mail: dfilatova@gratanet.com

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