According to Bunker Price Bulletin of IAA PortNews, the average indicative price at the port of Vladivostok for IFO-380 НS - $356 pmt (+$3), IFO-180 НS – 366 pmt (+$2), MGO - $663 pmt (+$3).
Fuel oil prices are ranging between $350 and $370 pmt depending on product viscosity and availability.
MGO price in the domestic market is as high as RUB 51,000 pmt.
MGO indications are ranging between $660 pmt and $670 pmt. MGO price at the port of Singapore has rose to $700 pmt.
MGO (DMB), analogue of MGO (DMA) is also available in the market (they differ by sulphur content – Ed.) at $640 pmt, or RUB 45,500-46,500 pmt.
The prices expected to show no significant changes.
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