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  3. Nevsky Shipyard wins contract for Arc4 passenger/freight vessel duo to be deployed on Sakhalin-Kurils route

2018 August 17   13:58

Nevsky Shipyard wins contract for Arc4 passenger/freight vessel duo to be deployed on Sakhalin-Kurils route

Shlisselburg, Leningrad Region based Nevsky Shipyard (Nevsky Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Yard) won in a tendering process and has been awarded the contract for two combination vessels designed for transportation of passengers, general, container and RO-RO cargo. The vessels of Project PV22 will be built to Arc 4 class and will be deployed on the Korsakov-Kuril Islands route. Press office of the Sakhalin region governor and government said on Friday the newbuilds are scheduled for delivery by December 31, 2020.

Transport accessibility for the Kuril Islands residents is an urgent issue for the region. With the commissioning of these passenger/cargo vessels, local operator will be able to ensure smooth year-round ship traffic on the sea route, linking Sakhalin with the Kuril Islands.

"The project is based on a design of a well-proven rescue vessel series with Arc4 Class (Project MPSV07). Its strength characteristics excel those of the M/V Igor Farkhutdinov, now plying on the route," says Vyacheslav Vlasenko, Deputy Minister of Transport and Road Facilities of the Sakhalin Region and continues: “The newbuilds will be able to accommodate up to 146 passengers, general cargo, containers and cars on deck. The vessels are designed to be able to moor at the berths on the Kuril Islands. The design has already been approved by the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. Just recently, the Nevsky Shipyard director assured us that the ships will be delivered on time."

The shipyard has experience in building such class ships and all the necessary steel cutting templates are available. The company is also able to fabricate hull blocks for such projects, to perform launching, outfitting and sea trials. Currently, the shipbuilding firm is currently completing a makers list to acquire components and assemblies, other equipment for the construction and outfitting, including accommodation cabins.

The enterprise is finalizing the technical supervision issue. Under the agreement of the regional Ministry of Transport and Road Facilities with the Nevsky Shipyard management, the company will arrange live webcast of the entire work process.

Schliesselburg, Russia based Nevsky Shipyard, LLC  is one of the oldest enterprises of water transport in Russia’s North-West region, which has built and repaired ships for 66 years now. Nevsky Shipyard’s production facilities are located on the left bank of the Neva River. The shipyard builds sea-going and inland vessels and performs repair and maintenance of any types. Its own shiplift enables Nevsky Shipyard to launch and lift for drydocking 150-m-long, 4,800-tonne ships.


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