Tuco Marine Group has signed the contract with Hovedstadens Beredskab on a new Multi Misson First Responder vessel. The new boat is based on Tuco Marine´s ProZero concept and have been designed to allow full use of the latest technology to support the first responders of Greater Copenhagen Fire Department in Copenhagen waters, the Company said.
The boat is designed to accommodate first responder specialists, and the latest equipment in addition to a dedicated helmsman and crewmember. The hull has been specially adapted to address two challenges that are hard to solve at once: on the one hand the low draft capacity to operate in shallow waters where crew face the risk of running aground, and on the other hand antiroll and great course stability. The boat is equipped with IPS drives and the deep V-hull which make it highly agile and seaworthy. The design enables fast missions under changing weather conditions. The efficient design further supports extensive operations over larger time slots.
The advanced responder equipment onboard includes high-tech communication, firefighting equipment and an onboard crane system build into the boats structure to protect it against adverse conditions. The ProZero 15m boat can as well be built to offer an exclusive track mounting system which allows the operator to rapidly configure the deck to accommodate a variety of extra seating’s and mission-specific payloads.
The ProZero boats are built from light weigh materials which ensure low weight, high fuel efficiency and low emission of greenhouse gasses. Additionally, the need for maintenance is minimized. Thanks to the low weight and the ProZero hull profile, the ProZero boats is capable of reaching speeds in excess of 25 knots under full loading conditions.
The cabin has been designed with acute attention to ergonomics and working environment. The cabin is insulated to ensure easy communication under all operating conditions, and the layout has been developed with the purpose of facilitating workflow coordination, not only during the missions but also during transport to and from the sites. The cockpit layout is arranged to maximize the use of state-of-the-art operations management and situational awareness electronic aids.
”We are tremendously excited and proud that Hovedstadens Beredskab has chosen us. We have been working hard and the signed contract really is a seal of approval of the technology and the products we have been developing and refining for years. We hope that this new boat can contribute to bringing the equipment of Hovedstadens beredskab to an even higher level, supporting the citizens of our Danish capital the very best way. We look forward to a strong collaboration not only now but also in the future”, says Jonas Pedersen, CEO at Tuco Marine.