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2018 October 30   17:42

“K” LINE supports Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

“K” LINE expresses its full concurrence with the recommedations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB), the company said in a press release.

The FSB is an international organization with participating members including finance ministries, financial regulatory authorities and central bank governors of the world’s 25 major countries. The TCFD is a task force set up by the FSB, whose recommendations are aimed at encouraging companies to disclose information about the impact or risks of climate change on their businesses in order that such information may be shared with institutional investors and banking organizations.

The companies that have announced participation number 527 worldwide (as of October 24, 2018).

As an action of our own, “K” LINE developmed a long-term environmental namagement vision, “K” LINE Environmental Vision 2050 - Securing Blue Seas for Tomorrow (*)and has positioned the minimization of the impact of our business activities on the global environment as a priority task. Under this policy, we are advancing approaches such as reducing fuel consumption of ships under operation, constructing ships with the latest energy-saving equipment, expanding the scope of data aggregation using a data collection system, “Eco Track”, and obtaining thirdparty certification for the improvement of credibility and transparency of the collected data.

"We, “K” LINE, take the recommendations of the TCFD as contributive to the development of sustainable society, and as an environmental front-runner, we will continue to aim for the realization of being a business that enables a greater number of people around the world to enjoy the advantage of marine transportation characterized by a lower environmental load and higher efficiency," the report said.

About “K” LINE Environmental Vision 2050 “Securing Blue Seas for Tomorrow”
As an integrated logistics corporation group that centers on the shipping business, we strive to help enrich the lives of people around the world, while handing down a sustainable society and beautiful blue seas to the next generation. With this in mind, we formulated a set of long-term environmental management vision called “K” LINE Environmental Vision 2050. Without doubt, marine transportation serves as a very efficient and environmentally-friendly tool enabling transport of large amounts of cargo on single voyages. Nevertheless, we need to minimize our environmental impact as much as possible and fulfill our responsibilities as a key industry supporting people’s affluent lives. Accordingly, we have identified the direction that our company should take from multi-faceted perspectives.

About  "K" LINE
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd., одна из старейших (создана в апреле 1919) и крупнейших компаний Японии. Занимает 16-е место среди мировых перевозчиков контейнерных грузов. Специализируется в морских и интермодальных перевозках. Оперирует флотом сухогрузов, контейнеровозов, Ro-Ro судов и нефтеналивных и СПГ танкеров, а также управляет контейнерными терминалами по всему миру. Штат сотрудников 671 чел.

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. ("K" LINE), одна из старейших (создана в апреле 1919) и крупнейших компаний Японии. Занимает 16-е место среди мировых перевозчиков контейнерных грузов. Специализируется в морских и интермодальных перевозках. Оперирует флотом сухогрузов, контейнеровозов, Ro-Ro судов и нефтеналивных и СПГ танкеров, а также управляет контейнерными терминалами по всему миру. Штат сотрудников 671 чел. Валовой доход группы за II квартал финансового 2015 года составил 11,6 млрд. йен, операционная выручка - 668,3 млрд. йен.

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