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2018 November 12   10:49

RF Navy's Northern Fleet holds exercise to assist a submarine in distress

Northern Fleet has completed search-and-rescue exercise to assist a submarine in distress, says press center of RF Defence Ministry.

At the first stage of the exercise, duty shifts of the control centers of the Northern Fleet's formation practised various exercises.

Practical stage of the exercise, during which they checked readiness to act on sudden induction, was conducted this morning in a given area on the border of the Barents and Norwegian seas in difficult hydrometeorological conditions.

According to the scenario, submarine performed tasks at sea lost its course due to a technical malfunction and surfaced in a storm sea. The diesel-electric submarine Kaluga simulated a submarine in distress.

The Il-38 of the Air Force and Air Defence Force of the Northern Fleet checked location of a submarine in distress in a given area. Finding a submarine on the surface of the sea, the flight crew transferred its coordinates to the regional control center of the Northern Fleet. Duty forces were sent to the indicated coordinates, as well as warships performing planned combat training tasks at sea.

Fighting ships also arrived in the exercise area - the heavy nuclear missile cruiser Pyotor the Great and the frigate Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov, ready to carry out SAR missions.

As Admiral Nikolai Yevmenov stated, fleet's forces engaged in the exercises has successfully fulfilled all assigned tasks with high professional skills.

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