FSUE Rosmorport and First Ore Mining Company (PGRK JSC) have signed an agreement on cooperation in designing of facilities foreseen by the Pavlovskoye Project's Part 2 (Port Complex). Rosmorport says the document was signed on November 20, 2018 at Transport Week in Moscow.
The project foresees the construction of a marine terminal for ore transshipment with annual capacity of 0.36 million tonnes by 2021.
In 2023, The First Ore Mining Company (PGRK JSC, a company of Rosatom Corporation) is going to put into operation a lead and zinc concentrate production facility on Novaya Zemlya archipelago. Every year, the facility is supposed to produce 220,000 tonnes of zinc concentrate and 47,000 tonnes of lead concentrate. Each tonne will let produce about 300 g of silver.
PGRK JSC has started engineering survey for the construction of port facilities on the Novaya Zemlya. The port is to be built in the Bezymyannaya bay as part of the Pavlovskoye project.
Related links:
PGRK: sales strategy of Pavlovskoye deposit project is focused on foreign markets >>>>
Atomredmetzoloto to build a port on the Novaya Zemlya with annual capacity of 500,000 t for transshipment of ore from Pavlovskoe deposit >>>>