On 10 July 2019, Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS, Register) will hold the Conference “Amendments to the Register Rules related to the fishing fleet”, RS says in a press release.
On 10 July 2019, Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS, Register) will hold the Conference “Amendments to the Register Rules related to the fishing fleet” within the III Global Fishery Forum and International Exhibition of Fish Industry, Seafood and Technology – SEAFOOD EXPO RUSSIA.
The upcoming event will be conducted in follow-up to the last year’s industry-specific conference, on which basis the RS Rules have been specified, inter alia, at the suggestion of the industry specialists. Konstantin Palnikov, RS Director General, noted: “Nowadays, under the investment quotas program, there are active projects on construction of innovative, high-tech, multipurpose fishing vessels. The Register, being a crucial participant to this process, endeavours to facilitate the implementation of engineering solutions on improvement of efficiency and safety of these vessels, develops its up-to-date marketable Rules wherein an open dialogue with design bureaus, shipyards and operating companies is of key importance”.
At the Conference, Georgy Bedrik, Head of the RS Planning and Marketing Division, will address the Register activities in the fishing vessels’ sector. Sergey Shishkin, Head of the RS Classification Division, will make a speech on the development of the RS normative documents based on classification experience. Alexey Tymoshchuk, Deputy Head of the RS Baltic Branch Office, will highlight the topical issues during survey under construction. The representatives of Vyborg Shipyard, JSC “Shipyard “Yantar”, Marine Engineering Bureau, Damen are expected to speak.
The RS Conference will be held in the Presentation Area, Pavilion F, EXPOFORUM Convention and Exhibition Centre. Opening at 15.00.
The fishing fleet is a key sector in the activities of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. Currently, the RS class totals to 850 fishing vessels. Within the SEAFOOD EXPO RUSSIA, the whole range of the RS services for fishing industry will be exhibited at its stand (Pavilion F, Stand G33): survey of ships under construction and in service, plan approval, certification of materials and products, audit of firms and survey of production processes.