Reflecting its now dominant role in the international tug building market, Sanmar Shipyards in Turkey has taken the decision to significantly strengthen its team of executive directors with the appointment of two widely experienced men to bolster the existing board’s range of experience and expertise. Although recruited independently, by some strange coincidence, the two new appointees first met as eleven-year-old boys. They had both been selected for a special training programme preparing students proposing to take entrance examinations for foreign High Schools established in Turkey.
Kerim Kazgan fancied the American School, following the footsteps of his mother, yet ended up in a French one, whilst Hakki Cek, who had hoped to attend a French school went to an American establishment. Both finally reached an ex-American College in Istanbul but studying different subjects.
Kerim graduated in Business Administration and Hakki in Economics and both joined different companies which today have been absorbed into Ernst & Young. Kerim ventured off to the United States to deepen his academic knowledge whereas Hakki stayed in Europe working in the United Kingdom, France and Austria.
Following the acquisition of a wealth of experience in a variety of companies and industries, now aged 56 and 57, both men saw the opportunity offered by joining Sanmar Marine, one of the most progressive enterprises in Turkey with a truly international reputation. Fate has determined that the two men can renew their boyhood friendship by joining the Sanmar family.
About Sanmar A.S.
Although originally founded 40 years ago to provide tug and pilotage services, which it continues to do today, it has also established a greater worldwide reputation as a specialist, high quality tug builder from its two modern, custom built shipyards. It leads the world in the construction of Robert Allan Limited designed vessels with a reference list which exceeds 180 examples. Sanmar also supports its customers by providing technical consultancy services in advising the most appropriate tug and workboat design and equipment that will meet their operational needs.