Marinet, working group of the National Technological Initiative (NTI) is set to establish a center in Finland, IAA PortNews correspondent cites co-head of Marinet Victor Olersky as saying at the group’s meeting. According to him, the center that can appear within several month will be financed by private resources. It will promote the interests of companies associated with Marinet in the European market. The personnel is to consist of Finland citizens or those living in the country for a time sufficient to have connections in the industry.
Establishment of a similar center in Norway in the longer term is under consideration.
The National Technological Initiative is the presidential program, which started in 2014. The NTI is aimed at creating conditions to ensure the leadership of Russian companies in the new high-tech markets that will shape the structure of the global economy in the next 15 to 20 years.
Roadmaps are being implemented through projects, development, selection and implementation of which is regulated by Guidelines approved by RF Government on 18 April 2016 (No 317) “On implementation of the National Technological Initiative”.
The roadmap of NTI Marinet was approved by the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Modernization of Economics and Innovative Development of Russia on 16 October 2015.