Infrabel is investing millions of euros to renew the existing railway infrastructure leading to the port of Zeebrugge. The optimization of the track changes in Dudzele will benefit the port of Zeebrugge’s accessibility for railway cargo.
Thirty-eight thousand trains passed the railway switch located in Dudzele, about ten kilometres of the port, in 2019. This crucial point is where the railway line 51 is divided into line 51A and 51B, thus separating rail freight traffic for the Port of Zeebrugge from passenger transport towards the Belgian Coast.
The most important part of the planned infrastructural works is the placement of 5 new track changes, which are over 100 meters long.
They are custom made in Bascoup in Belgium. The new track changes are mounted on a concrete cross beam and weigh 112 tonnes each. The new track changes are placed in such a manner that allows a capacity increase. This especially is positive for the port of Zeebrugge and the future of intermodality in the port.